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Service to humanity is the rent we pay for being

Karunyatheeram is an abode of divinity where god meets the needs of his dearest creations .Here the differently abled minds are raised up to become a part of us, the society and the world. Caste, creed or colour finds no place here and everyone has a single face –the face of god.

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Service to humanity is the best work in life

Being a child is the most comfortable state of mind, but being a child for ever seems a bit worrying. Karunyatheeram is a helath care and welfare campus for assisting such children throughout their life for meeting the basic necessities. Training them for acquiring basic reading and writing skills, identifying and developing special interests and talents in sports and cultural activities are done free off cost. Equipping themselves to live is how we reach out for them.


The door of KARUNYATHEERAM is always kept open for the persons: Natural or Artificial with attitude based on humanism and principle of cooperation: Essentially devoid of vested interest.


Connect with us on Facebook to get updates on our latest activities, to share with us the joy of giving, the joy of spreading the smile, the joy of watching lives being transformed!

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“At the time of delivery my child was a normal one. She had enough height and weight. In a couple of days she became lean, we consulted many doctors.At the age of 12 we took her to Bengaluru then we came to know that the problem was incurable. After that she was at home until she enrolled to the special school.Presently she has developed a capacity in drawing, embroidery and stitching. Now a days she shows enthusiasm in attending school. Now she is very happy and is able to handle a few of her personal tasks. They are providing good facilities to our children such as food, transportation etc.As a father I am very happy in my daughter’s development ”

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To develop and constantly upgrade a wide range of activities and special strategies are being to make the differently abled confident and self relient, keeping in mind the requirement and need of the child.


To identify and work alongside the economically and socially deprived, the differently abled- starting with children, so that they become educated, skilled and aware.

Enable them to be self-reliant and enjoy a healthy, dignified and sustainable quality of life. To train and transform differently abled children adversities into opportunities.

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0) { while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $id = $r['id']; $event_title = $r['event_title']; $date = $r['event_date']; $d_arr = explode('-', $date); $monthNum = $d_arr[1]; $dateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $monthNum); $monthName = $dateObj->format('M'); // March //echo strtoupper($monthName); ?>


0) { while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $id = $r['id']; $plan = $r['plan']; ?>

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